The Friendo Year Endo

2022 Nomination Panel
To avoid bias two rules were put into place. Firstly, the co-hosts of the event; PrezOfTheCastle and TheShadyJoker can NOT be nominated for any category.
Secondly, no one on the nomination panel was made aware of any other members participation. The only individuals who knew who else was on the panel were PrezOfTheCastle and TheShadyJoker.

Hello world! I'm The Invincible Paragon Of Perfection himself, the wishmaker, Prez Of The Castle. President Studio Glass Castle LLC, as well as the director and co-host of the Annual Friendo Year Endo Small Streamer Award Show. Variety Streamer with a soft spot for RPGs and Fighters. Studioglasscastle@gmail.com for business inquiries.

💫RockStarLexxi™ | Just a No-Filter, Weeb & Sonic Enthusiast! Retro/Variety Streamer! Retro Achievements on the weekdays, Mario Kart 8 On Saturdays! I provide the Nostalgia and Unlimited supply of Fails XD | Business: rockstarlexxi@gmail.com
To avoid bias two rules were put into place. Firstly, the co-hosts of the event; PrezOfTheCastle and TheShadyJoker can NOT be nominated for any category.
Secondly, no one on the nomination panel was made aware of any other members participation. The only individuals who knew who else was on the panel were PrezOfTheCastle and TheShadyJoker.